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- A Manual for Quaternions by Joly, Charles Jasper (1905). available in print
- Mathematical dissertations, for the use of students in the modern analysis; with improvements in the practice of Sturm's theorem, in the theory of curvature, and in the summation of infinite series by Young, John Radford (1841). available in print
- Mathematical essays and recreations by Schubert, Hermann (1903). available in print
- Mathematical papers read at the International Mathematical Congress held in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Edited by the Committee of the Congress, E. Hastings Moore, Oskar Bolza, Heinrich Maschke, Henry S. White. by International Mathematical Congress, Chicago, 1893 (1896). available in print
- The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism (Volume 1) by Watson, Henry William (1885). available in print
- The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism (Volume 2) by Watson, Henry William (1885). available in print
- Mathematische Instrumente by Galle, Andreas Wilheom Gottfr (1912). available in print
- Matrices and determinoids (Volume 1) by Cullis, Cuthbert Edmund (1913). available in print
- Mehrdimensionale Geometrie (Volume 1) by Schoute, Peter Hendrik (1902). available in print
- Mehrdimensionale Geometrie (Volume 2) by Schoute, Peter Hendrik (1902). available in print
- Mélanges de géométrie à quatre dimensions by Jouffret, E. (1906). available in print
- Mémoire sur l'intégration des équations aux dérivées partielles des deux premiers ordres by Graindorge, Joseph (1872). available in print
- Mémoire sur les équations résolubles algébriquement by Despeyrous, Théodore (1887). available in print
- Mémoire sur une méthode pour déduire quelques intégrales définies en partie très générales, prises entre les limites 0 et et contenant des fonctions circulaires directes by Haan, D. Bierens (1862). available in print
- Modern instruments and methods of calculation; a handbook of the Napier tercentenary exhibition by Horsburgh, Ellice Martin (1914). available in print