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- Die ebenen Curven dritter Ordnung; eine Zusammenstellung ihrer bekannteren Eigenschaften by Durège, Heinrich (1871). available in print
- Een aanhangsel tot de tafels van onbepaalde integralen by Haan, D. Bierens (1883). available in print
- Einführung in die Hauptgesetze der zeichnerischen Darstellungsmethoden by Schoenflies, Arthur Moritz (1908). available in print
- Einführung in die grundlagen der geometrie (Volume 1) by Killing, Wilhelm Joseph (1893). available in print
- Einführung in die theorie der isogonalen verwandtschaften und der conformen abbildungen, verbunden mit anwendungen auf mathematische physik by Holzmuller, Gustav (1882). available in print
- Einleitung in die Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen (Volume 1) by Graf, Johann Heinrich (1900). available in print
- Einleitung in die Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen (Volume 2) by Graf, Johann Heinrich (1900). available in print
- Einleitung in die Theorie der Elliptischen Funktionen by Bobek, Karl Joseph (1884). available in print
- Einleitung in die Theorie der linearen Differential-Gleichungen mit einer unabhängigen Variablen by Heffter, Lothar (1894). available in print
- Einleitung in die allgemeine Theorie der algebraischen Gröszen by König, Gyula (1903). available in print
- Einleitung in die allgemeine Theorie der krummen Flächen by Knoblauch, Johannes (1888). available in print
- Einleitung in die geometrische Funktionentheorie : Vorlesung gehalten in Leipzig während des Wintersemesters 1880/81 by Klein, Felix (1892). available in print
- Einleitung in eine geometrische Theorie der ebenen Curven; nach einer für die deutsche Ausgabe vom Verfasser zum Teil umgearbeiteten Redaction ins Deutsche übertragen by Cremona, Luigi (1865). available in print
- Elementare Algebra; akademische Vorlesungen für Studierende der ersten Semester by Netto, Eugen (1904). available in print
- Elementare Arithmetik und Algebra by Schubert, Hermann (1899). available in print
- Elementare theorie der analytischen Functionen einer complexen Veränderlichen by Thomae, J (Johannes) (1898). available in print
- Elementares Lehrbuch der algebraischen Analysis und der Infinitesimalrechnung : mit zahlreichen Übungsbeispielen by Cesàro, Ernesto (1904). available in print
- An elementary course in analytic geometry by Tanner, J. H. (1911). available in print
- Elementary illustrations of the differential and integral calculus by De Morgan, Augustus (1899). available in print
- An elementary investigation of the theory of numbers, : with its application to the indeterminate and Diophantine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle, and several other curious algebraical and arithmetical problems by Barlow, Peter (1811). available in print
- Elementary textbook on the calculus by Snyder, Virgil (1912). available in print
- Elementary theory of equations by Dickson, Leonard E. (1914). available in print
- An elementary treatise on curves, functions, and forces (Volume 1) by Peirce, Benjamin (1841). available in print
- An elementary treatise on curves, functions, and forces (Volume 2) by Peirce, Benjamin (1841). available in print
- An elementary treatise on pure geometry with numerous examples by Russell, John Wellesley (1893). available in print
- An elementary treatise on spherical harmonics and subjects connected with them by Ferrers, N. M. (1877). available in print
- An elementary treatise on the mathematical theory of perfectly elastic solids, with a short account of viscous fluids by Ibbetson, William John (1887). available in print
- An elementary treatise on the theory of determinants. A text-book for colleges by Hanus, Paul Henry (1886). available in print
- An elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collection of examples by Todhunter, I (1875). available in print
- Elemente der Absoluten Geometrie by Frischauf, Johannes (1876). available in print
- Die Elemente der Differential- und Integralrechnung. Zur Einführung in das Studium by Harnack, Axel (1881). available in print
- Elemente der Theorie der Funktionen einer komplexen veränderlichen grösse by Durège, Heinrich (1906). available in print
- Elemente der funktionentheorie, vorlesungen gehalten an der Universität Kopenhagen by Nielsen, Niels (1911). available in print
- Die Elemente der projectivischen Geometrie in synthetischer Behandlung by Hankel, Hermann (1875). available in print
- Elementi della teoria delle equazioni integrali lineari by Vivanti, G (Giulio) (1916). available in print
- Elementi di calcolo infinitesimale con numerosi applicazioni geometriche by Ces�ro, Ernesto (1905). available in print
- Éléments d'algèbre by Bourdon, Louis Peirre Marie (1876). available in print
- Éléments de géométrie projective by Cremona, Luigi (1875). available in print
- Éléments de la théorie des nombres. Congruences. Formes quadratiques. Nombres incommensurables. Questions diverses by Cahen, Eugene (1900). available in print
- Elements der Zahlentheorie by Wertheim, Gustav (1887). available in print
- Elements of descriptive geometry; with application to spherical, perspective, and isometric projections, and to shades and shadows by Davies, Charles (1859). available in print
- Elements of dynamic; an introduction to the study of motion and rest in solid and fluid bodies (Part 4) by Clifford, William Kingdon (1878). available in print
- Elements of dynamic; an introduction to the study of motion and rest in solid and fluid bodies (Parts 1-3) by Clifford, William Kingdon (1878). available in print
- Elements of geometry and trigonometry from the works of A.M. Legendre / adapted to the course of mathematical instruction in the United States by Charles Davies by Legendre, A. M. (1890). available in print
- The elements of non-Euclidean geometry by Coolidge, Julian Lowell (1909). available in print
- Elements of quaternions by Hardy, Arthur Sherbourne (1887). available in print
- The elements of the differential calculus, comprehending the general theory of curve surfaces, and of curves of double curvature. Intended for the use of mathematical students in schools and universities by Young, John Radford (1836). available in print
- The elements of the theory of algebraic numbers by Reid, Legh Wilber (1910). available in print
- Elements of the theory of the Newtonian potential function by Peirce, Benjamin Osgood (1902). available in print
- L'élimination by Laurent, H (1900). available in print
- Eliptische funktionen (Volume 1) by Boehm, Karl (1908). available in print
- Eliptische funktionen (Volume 2) by Boehm, Karl (1908). available in print
- Elliptic functions. An elementary text-book for students of mathematics by Baker, Arthur Latham (1890). available in print
- Elliptic integrals by Hancock, Harris (1917). available in print
- Elliptische functionen und algebraische zahlen by Weber, Heinrich (1891). available in print
- Elliptische functionen. Theorie und geschichte by Enneper, Alfred (1890). available in print
- Éloges académiques by Bertrand, Joseph (1902). available in print
- Émile Picard; biographie, bibliographie analytique des écrits by Lebon, Ernest (1914). available in print
- Essai d'une théorie générale des formes algébriques by Deruyts, Jacques (1891). available in print
- Étude sur le mouvement permanent des fluides by Salvert, Francois de (1874). available in print
- Étude sur les équations fonctionelles ࢰ une ou à plusieurs variables by Leau, Leopold (1897). available in print
- Études sur la théorie de la croissance des fonctions by Parfentieff, Nikolai Nikolaev (1910). available in print
- Euclid and his modern rivals. by Carroll, Lewis (1885). available in print
- Euclid's Book on Divisions of Figures with a Restoration Based on the Woepcke's Text and on the Practica Geometriae of Leonardo Pisano by Archibald, Raymond Clare (1915). available in print
- The Evanston colloquium: lectures on mathematics delivered from Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893 before members of the Congress of Mathematics held in connection with the World's Fair in Chicago at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. by Klein, Felix (1894). available in print
- Evarist Galua sochineniia by Galois, Evariste (1936). available in print
- Examples of differential equations, with rules for their solution by Osborne, George A. (1886). available in print
- Exposition de la méthode des equipollences; traduit de l'italien by Bellavitis, Giusto (1874). available in print
- Exposition nouvelle de la théorie des formes linéaires et des determinants by Méray, Charles (1884). available in print
- Exposé élémentaire de la théorie des intégrales définies by Meyer, Ant (1851). available in print