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Tanner, J. H.
Tannery, Jules
- Introduction à la théorie des fonctions d'une variable (Volume 1) (1904). available in print
- Introduction à la théorie des fonctions d'une variable (Volume 2) (1904). available in print
- Leçons d'algèbre et d'analyse, à l'usage des élèves des classes de mathématiques spéciales (Volume 2) (1906). available in print
Taylor, Charles
- An introduction to the ancient and modern geometry of conics, being a geometrical treatise on the conic sections with a collection of problems and historical notes and prolegomena (1881). available in print
Thiele, Thorwald Nicolai
Thomae, J (Johannes)
- Elementare theorie der analytischen Functionen einer complexen Veränderlichen (1898). available in print
- Ueber eine specielle Klasse Abelscher Functionen (1877). available in print
- Ueber eine specielle Klasse Abelscher Functionen vom Geschlecht 3 (1879). available in print
- Vorlesungen über bestimmte integrale und die Fourierschen reihen (1908). available in print
Thomson, Ansle William Haugh
Thomson, James
- An introduction to the differential and integral calculus; with an appendix, illustrative of the theory of curves and other subjects (1849). available in print
Timerding, Heinrich Emil
Todhunter, I.
- An elementary treatise on the theory of equations, with a collection of examples (1875). available in print
- A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 1) (1873). available in print
- A history of the mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth from the time of Newton to that of Laplace (Volume 2) (1873). available in print
- Solutions To Problems Contained in a Treatise on Plane Coordinate Geometry (1887). available in print
- Spherical trigonometry, for the use of colleges and schools. With numerous examples (1886). available in print
- A treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as applied to the straight line and the conic sections (1881). available in print
- A treatise on the differential calculus, with numerous examples (1878). available in print
- A treatise on the integral calculus and its applications. with numerous examples (1889). available in print
Tolman, Richard Chace
Townsend, Edgar Jerome
Townsend, Richard
- Chapters on the modern geometry of the point, line, and circle; being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Dublin to the candidates for honors of the first year in arts (Volume 1) (1863). available in print
- Chapters on the modern geometry of the point, line, and circle; being the substance of lectures delivered in the University of Dublin to the candidates for honors of the first year in arts (Volume 2) (1863). available in print