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- Abdullah, Taufik
- Akhmadi, Heri
- Anderson, Benedict and Richard O'Gorman, 1936
- Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation, 1944-1945 / Benedict R. O'G. Anderson. (1961)
- Mythology and the tolerance of the Javanese (1965)
- A preliminary analysis of the October 1, 1965, coup in Indonesia [by] Benedict R. Anderson and Ruth T. McVey (with the assistance of Frederick P. Bunnell) (1971)
- Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation, 1944-1945 / Benedict R. O'G. Anderson. (1961)
- Anderson, Benedict and Kahin, Audrey
- Benda, Harry J. Benda and Ruth T. McVoy
- Bone, Robert C.
- Bourchier, David
- Bunnell, Frederick Philip, 1933-
- Burger, D.H.
- Djajadiningrat, Idrus Nasir, 1920
- Dohrenwend, Barbara Snell
- Echols, John M.
- Indonesian writing in translation. Compiled and edited with an introd. by John M. Echols. (1956)
- Preliminary checklist of Indonesian imprints during the Japanese period (March 1942-August 1945) with annotations. (1963)
- Preliminary checklist of Indonesian imprints, 1945-1949, with Cornell University holdings (1965)
- Federspiel, Howard M.
- Feith, Herbert
- Finch, Susan and Lev, Daniel S.
- Frederick, William H.
- Fusayama, Takao, 1916
- Goethals, Pete
- Graves, Elizabeth E.
- Harvey, Barbara Sillars, 1933
- Permesta : half a rebellion (1977)
- Hatta, Mohammad, 1902
- Jenkins, David
- Kammen, Douglas Anton
- Kell, Tim
- Keuning, Johannes
- King, Dwight Y.
- Koentjaraningrat, 1923
- Kwee, Tek Hoay
- Legge, J. D. (John David), 1921
- Lev, Daniel S.
- Mackie, J.A.C.
- Magenda, Burhan Djabier
- Maryanov, Gerald
- McVey, Ruth Thomas
- Moertono, Soemarsaid, 1922
- Nishihara, Masashi